Deluxe Bath
- Nails & Ear Cleaning
- Shampoo & Conditioner (if needed)
- Blow/Fluff Drying, Brushing & Scented Spritz
Pricing varies with size, hair length, breed, and temperament of the dog.
0-10 pounds: $40
11-20 pounds: $45-55
21-40 pounds: $60-80
41-50 pounds: $80-100
51 pounds +: $80 +
If you request a Deluxe Bath and your dog is matted, a Full Groom will be recommended. An extra de-matting fee will be applied.
Matted bath dogs will be accepted or denied solely by our discretion.
For mobile services, a fee of $7 will be added per appointment of up to two dogs. The mobile fee for three or more dogs is $13. This helps ensure vehicle maintenance, diesel fuel, generator fuel, and any toll charges are covered.